Naad Yoga Shala

Naad yoga, meaning "union through vibration,” is yoga of vibration. It is an ancient Vedic system of inner transformation through vibrational awareness. Naad yoga is based on the premise that the entire cosmos and everything in it is made of vibrations, or naadas.

Naad refers to any vibration current that we carry. This can be internal (Anahata) or external (Aahata) vibration - anything from our thought currents we boot our consciousness from, physical signals we feel from our body’s feedback systems, frequencies we absorb from the world around us, or sound we emit through what we express. We can holistically access and tune our vibrational energy through practices using sound, asana, pranayama, and meditation that work on all 4 aspects of our being - body, breath, mind, and spirit.

The ultimate state of being is to raise our vibration to access the frequency of universal consciousness, and awaken a state of harmony with pure cosmic energy.

The detailed yogic kriyas or techniques and systematic instruction of this practice as a holistic lifestyle have been lost over the years. Our intention is to revive the authentic practice of Naad Yoga, and open up this body of knowledge for all to partake.

Here at Naad Yoga Shala, we are an inclusive community committed to a lifestyle as Naad yogis - yogis devoted to vibrational awareness through body, breath, mind, and spirit.